Saturday, May 07, 2005

The Most Segregated Hour In America

In a 1950's issue of Reader's Digest, North Carolina native evangelist wrote that the "eleven o'clock Sunday hour is the most segregated hour in America". Dr. Martin Luther King also echoed this unfortunate truism of the time. A country of White churches and a country of Black churches. With time, this unChristian wall of seperation gradually fell. Now a new wallof seperation of the faithful is being raised. In Billy Graham's native North Carolina, East Waynesville Baptist Church, located in an old Sinclair gas station location, has decided to expel all Democratic Party members.

Billy Graham also wrote that there is "no Scriptural basis for segregation". And as far as party membership there is no Scriptural basis to discriminate against Democratic Christians by the this church as well. There is no mention of Democrats or Republicans in a careful cover to cover reading of the Holy Bible. And very ironically, the great evangelist Billy Graham would also not be welcome in this church because he is a lifelong Democrat.

In his letters to the Seven Churches, the apostle Paul wrote to the Church at Ephesus, "you have forgotten your first love". The East Waynesville Baptist Church seems to certainly be guilty of this fault in the eyes of the apostle Paul. Instead of promoting an "agape" love for fellow believers in Christ, instead this church has decided that party membership is the most vital article of faith. This is indeed strange as some churches such as Jehovah's Witnesses and others are strongly nonpolitical and strive to keep their faith solely rooted in a faith journey to study the nature of God. Jehovah's Witnesses don't even vote, as this is seen as becoming too worldly and distracted from a faithful and Biblical walk with God.

The East Waynesville Baptist Church may be able to turn out fiercely loyal Republicans. But does it turn out loyal Christians with a church doctrine so unscriptural in nature? I doubt so. If the church leaders wanted to form a secular Republican club outside of the church, then fine. But a Republican church makes no sense to God. And I'm sure the good company of Billy Graham, Martin Luther King, the apostle Paul, and especially God would agree.


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