Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Sinking Support For Iraq War

A new poll by CNN-USA Today-Gallup Organization has support for the Iraq War sinking to it's lowest level ever for the American public. The new poll puts support for the war at any 41% of Americans who feel the Iraq War was worth the effort. A majority at 57% feels the war is not worth it. Increasing violence and a steady drip drip of American blood by Sunni insurgents have soured the American public on this war. Today a new attack killed 50 Iraqis and may have wounded as many as 150 more. And car bombings of weddings and funerals are ghastly scenes of a country destablized by war, that has become an immoral killing fields.

Iraq needs both stability and prayers for peace. And insurgents should lay down their arms and work constructively through the new government. The daily killing of innocent persons does nothing to improve Iraq or make America soldiers ready to leave and save their lives.

Iraq demonstrates the immorality of war and how civilians always pay a high cost in war.


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