Tiger Woods' Alleged Mistress Releases Claimed Explicit Text Messages

One of the alleged mistresses of Tiger Woods is causing him new embarrassment after releasing a round of some very explicit and nasty text messages that she claims were from the championship golfer.
Joslyn James, a former adult film star, released a series of claimed text messages from the Tiger, where he expressed an interest in golden showers, oral sex, slapping around, spanking, biting and ATM type sexual activities.
It is the last thing that the Tiger needs right now for such rough and crude text messages to hurt his attempts to revive his career and marriage. The claimed text messages could not have come at a worst time.
The last claimed text message from the Tiger to Joslyn James seemed to involve an angry breakup of the two and claims to James, "that you almost just ruined my whole life".
What emerges from the claimed text messages is an image of the Tiger far different than the squeaky clean image that Nike and the media created of the golf champion. At least, new endorsement deals will be far more difficult to achieve after the release of these messages if they prove to authentic.
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