Build Your CF Moto Bike Into A Way Cool Trike For Cheap

Cass County Choppers in Pleasant Hill, Missouri has a way cool Ebay deal for you. For around $4,000 you can send your CF Moto V3 or V5 motorcycle to them, and they'll build a cool trike for you out of your bike. That's a fraction of the normal $26k for an assembled Ridley trike. The chopper shop also offers a way cool conversion kit for around $6,250 as well with a CF Moto V5 included. All you do is add the standard Chevy style chrome wheels which are plentiful as water. For a mere $150 bucks, Cass will even do the small welding job required on the fender brackets. However, no welding on the bike is required. Everything else bolts on just fine, thank you.
The cool thing about the Chinese made CF Moto bikes are that they only sell for around $3000 or so. And they have an automatic transmission, so they're real city driving friendly. The only question is whether there is any provision for a reverse gear on these trikes which weigh in at around 570lbs. after the conversion. Many trikes actually have an electric reverse or some other provision for backing out of parking spots at the local grocery lot.
These 250cc bikes can go about 75mph, which isn't too bad. Not rip roarin' by any means, but good enough for city driving and some light highway travel. But heck, a trike is more for stylin' anyway, right?
The conversion also seems to raise the seat height as well to 32inch from the normal 27inch height. But riders around 5foot 7 or shorter, will probably find ways to adapt. Normally CF Motos make great bikes for shorter guys or for the gals. And with the automatic transmission they are just as easy as any scooter to drive.
So heck guys, tell your old lady you're buying yourself a trike. You deserve it. And a mere $6250 is no king's ransom by any means. Don't be a cheap ass. Enjoy yourself.
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