Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Rick Santorum: The Senator Who Makes No Sense

For a $25 cover price, you can own a copy of Senator Rick Santorum's new book, "It Takes A Family". Yet between the covers is surprising little for the $25 cover price. Indeed reviews only give this flimsy logic book a barely fair 2 1/2 star rating. The average senator who writes a book usually leaves a historic legacy for the ages with it. But this book hardly is in the same league. It attempts to promote itself as "profamily". Yet for religious right Senator Santorum, he should read the Bible's own warning that "Faith without works is dead".

Senator Santorum's world operates in a contradictory vacuum that holds up the perfect image as the mother as caregiver who should care for the children, yet this Senator has done little in his career to make the lives of working mothers any better. As high paying steel jobs left his native state of Pennsylvania , as foreign competitors dumped steel to destroy this industry, Santorum has done surprising little to protect the economy security of the working families of his state or the nation. And rather than being any champion of women, Santorum has a very poor record on women's issues. He voted against a Federal program that offered financial assistance to businesses run by minorities or women, yet the SBA and other loans are available to men who create a business startup.

And Santorum has failed to protect families, especially poor families in high crime areas from gun violence. He has voted to block gunshow and other background checks on buying guns, although some of these could be purchased by persons with a criminal record to commit drug or gang related crimes who avoid gunshops because some may be convicted felons who are banned from gun ownership.

And when families are hurt by defective products such as defective baby cribs that have killed infants, Santorum was there to protect the companies who produce such deadly products by voting to ban class action lawsuits. And he further voted to limit the liability of those who companies that produce deadly defective products. And when families are forced into financial hardship because of extreme medical expenses, Santorum voted to sharply curtail the use of bankruptcy laws.

Santorum had the opportunity to support the education of children, yet was rated as supporting education issues for children only 27% of the time by the NEA. And supported a welfare reform bill that forced women on welfare to work, even if they were single, had several small children and could not afford child care.

And Santorum voted for "free trade" bills that allowed very cheap imports to flood the American shores, not the least concerned with working families and the staggering number of high paying factory jobs lost in his state and in the nation.

Santorum opposed campaign finance reform, and voted against a bill to limit "soft money" to 527s, which allows big corporations to promote anticonsumer and antiworking family issues. And the list of awful votes by this senator who is the worst of the worst goes on and on. Yet Santorum claims he is profamily and that his book, "It Takes A Family", supports families. The real truth is it really takes $25 to buy a book, that is merely a shallow promotion for a presidential bid by a Senator with a horrible voting record on issues that involve working families. For $25 the book costs it simply does not deliver what it claims. There is nothing really positive for working families in either the $25 book or in Santorum's senate record. Both are simply a waste. The $25 book is merely self promtion by one of the worst senators ever for a 2008 presidential bid. There is nothing inspirational in this at all, only cheap self promotion. Yet Santorum seems to be intoxicated at believing in his own self-goodness.

It would take a village idiot to accept "It takes A Family", as a meaningful document supporting the welfare and best interests of working families. It absolutely does not despite the misleading and very deceptive title.


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