Tuesday, May 10, 2005

U.S. Attack On Iran Set For June Claims Former Arms Inspector

Former Unscom weapons inspector, Scott Ritter has reported to a packed Olympia, WA, audience that Bush has signed off on a plan for an aerial attack by the U.S. on Iran set for June. And as further evidence, New York Times reporter, Seymour Hersh has claimed that since last summer, the U.S. has been conducting secret reconnaissance missions in Iran. Under the leadership of Douglas Firth of the Defense Department along with Israeli secret service members, a joint effort to identify possible nuclear or chemical weapons research sites as well as missile sites with Iran. In addition to these war plans, in September it was reported that the U.S. sold 5,000 smart bombs including 100 GBU-28 "bunker buster" bombs which are dropped from an American made F-15 and then satellite guided to destoy hardened bunkers. These are intended to destroy hardened Iranian weapons research sites or to kill Iranian political and military leadership who take up safe positions in fall-out bunkers. In addition with American brokering, a deal has been worked out where Israeli warplanes are practicing for a possible attack on Iran in Turkish airspace.

Part of the recent push for Syrian troops to leave Lebanon was not only in response to the backlash over the killing of a popular personality there, but also part of a larger Bush Administration plan to push Syrian tanks and troops farther from the northern Israeli border as preparations for the attack on Iran continue. Israel was dug nuclear landmine trenches in northern areas of Israel intended to take out large numbers of Syrian troops and tanks who may try to invade from the the north in response to an attack on Iran. In addition nuclear Star Of David land and submarine based missiles can be launched against Syria or Iran if a march of land troops should attempt to invade Israel in response to any attack on Iraq.

The Bush Administration is heavily loaded with members of the defense contractor industry as well as neoconservative members of the defense contractor funded Project For The New American Century. Former Halliburton CEO Dick Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, John Bolton, Jeb Bush and Karl Rove, among many others are members of this defense contractor funded organization that directs foreign policy with self interests of these corporate contractors foremost in charge. In addition for the first time in American history, defense contractor executives, paid consultants or major stockholders hold 32 positions with the Bush Administration with the offices of the Secretary of Army, Navy and Air Force all controlled by executives of major defense contractors. In the 1950's it was Republican President, Dwight Eisenhower that warned against the dangers of the "military industrial complex " to cause mischief if they ever achieved too much power in the U.S. Eisenhower's warning appears to be very prophetic.

According to former Unscom weapons inspector, Scott Ritter, Bush was offered some military attack plans gainst Iran, and has signed off for a plan for aerial attack set for June. And Ritter further claimed in his statements in Olympia, WA, that the Bush administration while claiming the Iraq elections were a "turning point" for the Iraq situation, actually manipulated the results cutting the Iranian born Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani's coalition of candidates from 56% to 48% . However the margin was so overwelming that this Bush Administration election manipulation of votes could not win the election for White House preferred candidates aligned with longtime CIA operative and Prime Minister, Ayad Allawi.

Scott Ritter believes that Iraq was only to be a minor situation compared to a larger set of goals to change regimes in Iran and Syria. But instead of an American or Israeli attack triggering a regime change in Iran, it could well instead inspire a slide into WWIII.

Protecting America or Israel from the possibility of a nuclear armed Iran is a real concern. But more reasonable moderate conservatives within his own party such as Senators Pat Roberts and Richard Lugar often argue for every diplomatic effort to be offered by the U.S. to prevent a nuclear showdown with North Korea or Iran. Instead the neoconservatives who control the White House military andforeign policy make the military effort the first and only resort. This is very dangerous.

100's of years before Jesus, the Old Testament prophet, Ezekiel wrote what would prove to be the entire history of the nation of Israel, including the crushing of Judea and Sumaria, and the future 1948 state of Israel. Soon after that event in Ezekiel 37-39, a terrible future war with Persia(Iran) and Russia as well as North African and MidEast states all the way extending to Ethiopia are clearly foretold by this prophet. It is intersting to note that WWII is not mentioned anywhere in Scripture, but this huge war in the MidEast is because it will be the worst war ever, it will be WWIII. And little Israel, only 11 miles wide at one point, will be involved in form of nuclear defense considered by some to be a "Samson Option". Samson you recall was chained by captors and could not escape. But he could use his tremendous strength to destroy both himself and his captors by pulling down the entire house on all. A nuclear war by Israel would be just this type of defense. You can't defend a country this small, so you simply pull down the entire MidEast in a nuclear war.

The Bush Administration has to decide whether they want to pursue all diplomatic channels or risk proving the Prophet Ezekiel again right, who has so far never been wrong on any aspect of the past, present or future history of the state of Israel. Bush is in the driver's seat to decide whether to use caution and diplomacy to prevent Iran nuclear arms or to risk triggering WWIII with an Iranian counter attack on Israel with many allied states and a nuclear counterattack by Israel against MidEast, North African and nuclear backed Russian troops. For Bush to risk a war with a state like Russia with a powerful nuclear weapons force is a very grave danger to world peace and stability, and will kill a significant percentage of mankind. This must not happen.


At 6:58 AM, Blogger The Heretik said...

Keep up the fine work.


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