Monday, May 09, 2005

Going Medieval?

Former CIA official Gary Schroen has published a new book entitled, "First In". And he's been making some Sunday news show rounds as well. An interesting observation from Schroem is that Bush wanted him to go to Afghanistan and bring back Osama Bin Laden's head in a box of dry ice. Indeed Osama Bin Laden is a terrible international outlaw and terrorist. But the Bush request to bring in his head in a box of dry ice harkens back to the medieval days of a head on a pike military trophy. Candace Bergen was the guest for a hilarious SNL skit dealing with this horrible and ghastly medieval trophy keeping practice in a late 70's episode.

Some may feel that Bush is a like a hanging Texas judge. But this may not be accurate. He may be far closer to the Medieval warriors who parade heads on a pike as a symbol of military conquest trophy, or like the wicked queen who wanted John The Baptist's head on a platter. But for my tastes, this seems uncivilized even for the worst of the worst enemies like Osama Bin Laden, and very uncouth.


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