Dolly Parton Tears U.S. Senator A New One In A Radio Interview

Dolly Parton is at war with her U.S. senator over his apparent support for payday loan companies that charge U.S. service-person families 400% interest rates. Parton stopped just short of calling U.S. Senator Bob Corker a crook, by accusing him of "behind closed door" efforts to work with the payday loan industry to rip off military families. Parton was a guest on the country western station WAXO-1220AM in Lewisburg, Tenn(Kickin' Country) and decided to tear the senator a new one during what would have been a normal interview about her life and music.
It was a surprising and abrupt political statement from the country music legend, who even called the senator "unAmerican". Corker blocked a move in the U.S. Senate to limit the payday loan industry to 36% maximum interest rates by law. In the last few months, the Senate voted to put new regulations on the credit card industry. However, these regulations had mixed results since the credit card industry had nine months before the law took effect, and then raised interest rates and added new charges while the industry lawyers sought clarification from the Federal Reserve Board about certain provisions. Corker removed language from the bill so that the payday loan industry would be exempt from proposed new rules regulating other money lenders.
Tennessee has 2,700 military families, and these families are highly likely to use payday loans to survive between pay checks for survival.
Dolly Parton added in the radio interview, that "Growing up poor, I know the hardship and tragedy that money matters can cause to a family".
No comment from the senator as of yet what it feels like being torn a new one by the country music legend.
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