The Racist Wit & Wisdom Of John McCain

John McCain continues to argue that he has some longer record on Capital Hill that better qualifies him for public office. Yet few know that an ugly part of this record is John McCain's long history of telling bigoted, racist and homophobic jokes at Bullfeathers lounge in Washington, D.C. to his friends over drinks. McCain also has a long record of opposition to virtually every piece of legislation dealing with civil rights, the Martin Luther King Holiday or Gay rights as well.
McCain loved to make African Americans, Vietnamese, Gay citizens, Hispanics the blunt of his racist jokes with friends at Bullfeathers, using blunt language like "fag", "queer", "nigger", "spic", "wetback" or "gook" in his jokes at Bullfeathers. Yet McCain lies to the public and now claims that he has no racist instincts. Yesterday, one of his campaign managers, Senator Lindsay Graham(R-SC) also lied to the nation about McCain's long history of racism on FOX NEWS SUNDAY claiming that McCain hasn't a "racist bone in his body". Yet the jokes of John McCain and his voting record on civil rights issues certainly prove that Senator Graham is clearly not telling the truth.
Here are some quoted jokes from John McCain overheard in public at Bullfeather's. You can be your own judge of whether John McCain is a bigot and racist:
"Two dykes are talking at a bar and one leaves. As she walks towards the door, the other watches her leave and says out loud: "God, I'd love to eat her out".
Two men are standing nearby and one turns to the other and says: "I'd like to do the same. Guess that makes me a dyke"----John McCain
"Why does Mexican beer have two "x's" on the label? Because wetbacks need two cosigners"----John McCain
"Did you hear the one about the woman who attacked on the street by a gorilla, beaten senseless, raped repeatedly and left to die. When she finally regains consciousness and tries to speak her doctor leans over to her her sigh contently, "Where is that marvelous ape?"----John McCain
In fact, jokes about rape are another common theme in the jokes by John McCain overheard by patrons at Bullfeathers lounge. McCain is strangely attracted to finding humor in violent sexual assaults against women.
At times, McCain is far less than trying to be funny. Such as this quote that sums up the real John McCain political philosophy:
"I play to win. I do whatever it takes to win. If I have to fuck my opponent to win I'll do it. I won't give it a second thought".----John McCain
In addition to being a ruthless and caustic politician, McCain has long held bizarre views, calling respected South African leader Nelson Mandela, "A terrorist", offered some support for White Supremacists George Wallace, Jr. and former KKK leader David Duke, and calling the children of divorced fathers, "tar babies". For 27 years, McCain continued to use the ugly term, "gook" to refer to all Asians, and not just those Vietnamese who mistreated him as a POW.
After a week of running some outrageous personal attack ads against Obama that avoided issues and were simply personal attacks in nature, racist candidate McCain has now pulled even or slightly ahead in the presidential race according to new polls by Gallup and Rasmussen. Racist candidate McCain, needs to be taken at his word when he claims that he plays "to win" and will "do whatever it takes to win". With his personal racist sentiments it must be highly personal for McCain when his opponent is a well educated, handsome, young African American, which reflects the type of highly personal nature of the attacks ads that racist candidate McCain is using to destroy his opponent. McCain has always made race an issue during his entire career as a politician. And 2008 is unfortunately no exception for McCain. Same old McCain. Same old racism.
(A very important personal note here. I'm very unhappy at some of the language of John McCain here. And I'm deeply sorry that I have to reprint such language here on this blog that strives for top quality and makes every attempt to avoid anything of any offensive nature. But for important journalistic accuracy sake, the quotes of John McCain are used here in their complete entirety because of their serious newsworthy value. I am deeply sorry if anyone is offended by the use of such language as a part of legitimate news coverage. However, the actual full quotes of John McCain are important information for voters to consider before they cast a vote this November.----Paul Hooson)
OK, a simple question: what is your source for this?
As written, it seems that you're saying you personally heard McCain say these things.
According to some commenters at Blue, you're plagiarizing Doug Thompson's August 1 article for Capitol Hill Blue.
Man, I wish I was as infallible as you are. Whenever I make major allegations against prominent people, I always cite my sources and try to show at least some evidence that I'm not just making up shit. But you... you just assert it as so, and anyone who even thinks of questioning you is obviously inferior and an idiot.
Hello Jay. Welcome to my humble little website here. Oh, I know it's not much, but I hope you like what I did with the place. But regardless, you're always welcome here to comment or spar with me, whatever you like. The welcome mat is always out for you. Honest.
Well, there's just so darn many great John McCain quotes that I think that I'm going to have to make this a regular feature between now and the election.
Well, you know that there's that great little book by Irwin A. Tang over there on Amazon for sale for $13.14, called GOOK:WHY JOHN MCCAIN'S RACISM MATTERS for one thing. And there's The Huffington Post piece, SENATOR JOHN MCCAIN ISN'T FUNNY, SO STOP ENCOURAGING HIM and of course there is the CAPITOL HILL BLUE piece you cited, etc.
Later posts about John McCain's sick, sick, sick humor might include his joke about killing Iranians with weoponized cancer, jokes he made about Alzheimer's Disease after Ronald Reagan was sadly diagnosed with this terrible disease, Chelsea Clinton's looks, rape, etc.
But seriously now, who jokes about rape anyway? That topic is too disgusting even for the sicko HUSTLER MAGAZINE'S jokes page to handle. Although they do get in few really sick laughs about amputees every now and then.
The fact of the matter is that McCain keeps telling people that only he has the good judgement to be president, but anyone who invents rape jokes or other extremely disturbed humor should be suspect for having a finger on the nuclear trigger "red" button. The fact of the matter is that McCain's humor gives a distubing glimpse into a mind of a person who's a liittle bit goofy in the head and eratic. Who in their right mind would want to hand over control of the entire U.S. military to such a screwy guy? McCain may have a lot of years in Washington, but he's just crazy enough that he could easily become a real danger to himself and everyone else if the guy was ever elected president.
McCain's humor comes from a sick personality that unfortunately suffered years of abuse as a POW, and the result is someone whose mind has not completely healed. Much of my seven years of college is in psychology, and I can tell when someone is a little bit crackers just from some of their interests and statements, and John McCain has left 27 years of a frightening paper trail of weird comments and statements that should frighten just about any serious person if they only take the time to look at what was said.
Unfortunately there is no mental health evaluation test for someone who wants to be president. But like I said, McCain's dark and frightening humor gives an eerie glimpse into someone who faced serious physical and mental abuse as a POW and is now a frightening choice to become president because their judgement might be significantly impaired. Richard Nixon was a very disturbed man who was elected president and just look at the results there. Any half-smart person should be able to see trouble coming all the way up Broadway with McCain.
McCain likely suffers from Post_Traumatic Stress Disorder among other mental health disorder symptoms as a result of his long captivity. Anger and depression are just two signs of this mental illness. This is a serious question I'm raising here, Jay. I'm not kidding around about this.
John McCain should release his mental health records to the public in addition to his health records. The job of president is just too important to have someone elected who has control over the military who has suffered so much psychological and physical abuse as a POW withoy being certain that they have good mental health. There are just too many examples to make me very wary of John McCain's mental health for myself.
Hmm... I thought I wrote "could you please cite your sources for this, or admit you're flagrantly plagiarizing this guy Doug Thompson," but apparently it came out as "please elaborate at great length about your allegations here, and while you're at it, why don't you give us your armchair opinion of why you think he's that way?"
I've come to the conclusion that talking to you is worse than useless. You don't understand the concept of dialogue -- when someone says something, you take the opportunity that others would use to respond (as in, "talk about what they bring up") and instead you ignore what they say and take the chance to expound on whatever you think is important.
You don't even acknowledge what they say. You just blather on and on and on.
I've often derided my own social skills, but you, sir, take the cake.
A simple favor: the next time you respond, could you say, up front, "I'm not going to address any of the points you made, but instead repeat and expound at great length at what I already said?" Between this issue and your filibustering over the EFCA's provision stripping away the mandatory secret ballot provision, such a warning would have saved me a LOT of time I wasted reading your non-response responses.
Jay,Jay, Jay. I offered you some sources for my information. But I also raised the very serious issue of the mental health of John McCain after years of abuse as a POW. The fact of the matter is that John McCain's campaign has plenty to conceal in regards to his history of racist comments and humor as well as mental health records from all of the physical, psychological abuse and forced confessions, etc.
You're certainly welcome here anytime. But I just think you didn't like my response to your question very well.
Mr. Hooson, I didn't dislike your response. I'm still waiting for it.
For some reason, you treat blogging like blackjack. When someone questions you, you double down.
"Hey, those are some hefty charges you're asserting as fact. Got anything to back them up?"
"What? You want more charges? No problem! Here's even more stuff, with nothing to back it up either!"
I still don't know your position on EFCA's provision removing the mandatory secret ballot voting for unionizing. You spent literally pages talking about it, but never once mentioned it.
You have yet to acknowledge that a good chunk of this original article was taken, uncredited, from Doug Thompson. Instead, you referred to a wholly different source instead of giving him the credit he deserves.
Hey, it's been at least a week since you boasted of all your accomplishments and successes. Why don't you recite them again, instead of acknowledging that as a blogger you suck ass.
Jay, let me say that I feel deeply honored to hear your kind words of praise for my humble little blog here. I'm deeply touched. Kind of brings a little tear to my eye. But seriously, I'm always happy to have your input.
Well, you do know that the NLRB is required to establish some sort of system that validates that each card that an employee returns that states that they support a particular union must be verified as being made without any strong-arming by anyone, management or the union, don't you. If the NLRB cannot come up with such a system, then they will no doubt only move the elections off the work-site to a neutral location or something.
But this voting change is only minor part of this whole bill that strengthens enforcement of management influence or intimidation of workers who seek to unionize. Some businesses have used wiretapping or illegally opening employee Emails to prevent workers from unionizing.
At any rate, I'm always glad to hear from you. I don't have to agree with people in order to want to listen to what they have to say.
Wow. You finally managed to touch upon the stripping of the secret ballot requirement. It only took you over a week and several thousand words (I stopped counting yesterday morning, and it was over 5,100), but you finally found a way to defend it. Congratulations.
I have to conclude that it's not worth the effort. Far too much work for such little result. Way, way too tiny a signal to noise ratio.
I do applaud you for consistency, though. Your position there is entirely consistent with your position towards the Chinese government: the people simply aren't to be trusted with the power to govern themselves and control their own future through the most perfect instrument for determining popular will yet devised. They need to be ruled and controlled by their betters, who will look after them and care for them and make certain they don't make bad choices.
Jay, I actually stated as a comment on one of your Wizbang posts days ago the NLRB was required to establish some sort of a program to establish that any of the returned intention cards from the workers were done of their free will and not under pressure from anyone, management or labor, to influence their vote. But you must have missed it.
It unfortunately seems that the critics of this bill have taken this one small provision far out of context in hopes of killing this entire bill.
But you must know that most bills in Congress are lengthy and have many pages and provisions, and most of this bill only strengthens the ability to crackdown on acts that are already illegal such as intercepting employee Emails or wiretapping, etc.
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