McCain Ad Fails To Mention Britney & Hilton Family Support For Bush & McCain

In a great many ways, the absurd antics of Britney Spears and Paris Hilton are hardly much more intellectually deep than some of the shallow nonsense coming from the McCain Campaign recently. Both Spears and Hilton have proven they will do anything for publicity, no matter how cheap. John McCain will as well. After Barack Obama inspired 200,000 persons in Berlin and helped to foster greater respect for the U.S., the McCain Campaign quickly arranged some really cheap photo-opt outside some small German restaurant in Columbus, Ohio just to stay in the news. And after Spears and Hilton devised some grand plan to shave their privates and expose them in public for publicity reasons, the McCain Campaign just had to eventually follow suit and sound off some signals that they want to shave entitlements like Social Security. It only follows suit that such a silly and shallow political campaign would exploit silly and shallow public figures like Britney Spears or Paris Hilton to make their point. They're nearly intellectual soulmates.
In a great many ways, Britney Spears, a Louisiana native, expreses just the sort of shallow hypocrites that the McCain campaign is attracting like crap to flies. Britney Spears supposedly upholds conservative Southern values including conservative morality, yet her own behavior is absolutely in contrast to all of this. Likewise, the McCain Campaign has been plagued with resignations with moral hypocrites such as Phil Gramm, a 1970's soft porn movie producer who later claimed support for the Christian Coalition of Ralph Reed, and Troy King, the Alabama Chairman of the McCain Campaign, removed after a Gay scandal broke. Other hypocrites have been jumping off the McCain Campaign like rats from some burning ship.
The Barack Obama Campaign has made honest attempts to level with the voters the truth about things, and challenge voters to think and act as partners for change, while the McCain Campaign has hardly lost any effort to go for the cheap publicity and cheap votes. McCain's reversal and new found support for off-shore oil drilling constantly fails to mention it would take every day of ten years for any American motorist to actually see any drop of oil from a long process of permits, exploration, drilling, refining, etc. McCain knows full well that this is pure nonsense to mislead motorists that off-shore oil driliing would soon cut their gas bills, but the McCain Campaign is desperate, running behind, and going for all the cheap moments and cheap votes this year.
The bottom line is that McCain is no reformer or agent of change. He's the same old low road politics that we've all seen from some politicians many, many times before. And if the McCain Campaign needs to throw some loyal George Bush and McCain supporters like Britney Spears or the Hiltons under the train to make it to the White House, then they'll go for that low road. Nothing is below the dignity of this low road to the White House campaign.
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