Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Iran Plays The Blackmail Card To Push Ahead Nuclear Agenda

In an effort to blackmail the world into allowing Iran to develop nuclear power and most likely weapons as well, Iran is now using cutting oil deals with states like India who act as responsible members of the world community, and supported the recent U.N. resolution supporting U.N. action against Iran if they do not comply with international efforts to prevent a nuclear program in Iran.

A 25 year natural gas deal between Iran and India was scrapped by Iran to blackmail this responsible nation. And Iran has threatened other states, such as Japan who depend on 17% of their supply of oil from Iran. Some states that depend heavily on oil or natural gas from Iran, willbe hard pressed whether to support U.N. efforts to prevent Iran from development of nuclear power and potentially weapons, or continued oil supplies due to the example set by the case of India. Japan was another state out 35 delegations, of which 22 supported the U.N. efforts to rein in Iran's nuclear goals. Whether Japan's oil from Iran will now be threatened is a good question. The natural gas deal between India and Iran did not yet take place, so those lack the real teeth of an oil export embargo.

And Iran seems to look for ways to up the blackmail ante by sometimes slipping in a threat or two to develop nuclear weapons unless states that oppose Iran's nuclear goals allow Iran to move ahead with nuclear projects.

None of this is good. It all lays out a dangerous and irresponisible state in Iran, that will no doubt use the least reason to develop and use nuclear weapons if given half the chance.

2,600 years ago the Prophet Ezekiel wrote his Old Testament book that became both the history and future of events in the MidEast that will impact the nation of Israel, first as Judea and Sumaria, but now as the modern state of Israel. The writings of Ezekiel are well on course that Iran will be the cause of major future war in the MidEast. Interestingly the wars of WWI and WWII are not even mentioned in the Bible or Torah, but the future war with Iran is because it will become the worst war in the history of the planet. With Iran's nuclear goals as well as radical and irresponsible government, fears should be that Iran is pushing these terrible future events ever closer. The writings of this future war in Ezekiel 37-39 should send a cold chill up the spine of anyone. The situation with Iran deserves much careful diplomacy, resolve, as well as prayer to prevent from blowing up into the worst conflict in the history of mankind during our lifetime.


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