Monday, March 26, 2007

If You're Homeless In Portland, Oregon And Die, Your Body Might Be Sold For Research For $37.50

If you live the undignified life of a homeless or very poor person in Portland, Oregon, and you die, chances are very good that your body may end up sold to the local medical school for research for $37.50. This was a surprising new detail to come up recently when a longtime homeless man who transitioned to a low income housing complex and a small job died recently. Even more disturbing, there was little good attempt to contact his next of kin despite good contact information left at the hotel he rented a room in.

Certainly science is very important, and the local medical school a fine institution. But the shocking end for many homeless or very poor persons in Portland is indeed a surprising one.


At 1:07 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Interesting, if true. have been unable to verify this though. Could you share your source?
Richard from Portland


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