Sunday, March 04, 2012

Naughty Parody Of CHEAP THRILLS Cover Earns Censorship In Germany

The cover of the classic album, CHEAP THRILLS, by cartoonist R. Crumb for Janis Joplin and Big Brother And The Holding Company became a real folk art classic of the 60's generation. But, a new parody of the cover, DEEP CHILLS, by the Belgian techno-dance band, The Lords Of Acid, is drawing government censorship over in Germany, where the album may not be displayed on stores shelves and may only be sold to persons over the age of 18 with proper ID.

The album is scheduled for a later release in April in the U.S., but likely won't draw quite as many government censorship problems, although the cover art might keep the album out of many more mainstream record stores.

The Lords Of Acid are a funny sort of act. Their music is hot dance club music, but their lyrics and stage shows are decidedly adult in nature. Their act involves strange costumes normally involved in fetish porn such as bondage. The band seems to have a cult following of fans, and has been a relatively decent selling act despite their fringe market appeal.

Shinefish Films, a California company that normally produces adult films will shoot a music video for the band. Songs on the album will be produced by different producers including, Chris Vrenna, former drummer for Nine Inch Nails, who has also worked for Marilyn Manson as well.

The album will be released on one of Sony's labels in Germany, but will be released on the Metropolis label in the U.S.