Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Davy Jones Death Jokes

I don't honestly know why some people sometimes post jokes about tragic events Online soon after the event. It might actually be part of the healing or coping with tragedy process. But, regardless there are a few Davy Jones death jokes starting to float around the Internet, but with most people too embarrassed to sign their real names to these ghoulish laughs. Here's a few for you to ponder. Tell us what you think about these death jokes in our comments if you wish.

My best friend told me that Davy Jones had died. At first I didn't believe her. Then I saw her face.... Now, I'm a bereaver.

Paramedics that responded to the Davy Jones emergency were pretty depressed. They came this close to getting his autograph.

Davy Jones arrives at the Pearly Gates, St. Peter answers, and Davy Jones exclaims, "Hey, hey. I'm a Monkee!".

I heard that David Cassidy and Davy Jones were rehearsing for a former teen idols tour. Now, David Cassidy will have to be crappy all by himself.

It seems that King Kong and Davy Jones have much in common. Both dead monkeys.

People are now sending their Mickeydolences.

Davy Jones dead. I thought I saw him walking down the street.

But, it seems that the news of the Davy Jones death appears to be a generational thing, with Davy Jones being much like the Justin Bieber for older people. Younger people hear the name Davy Jones, and some think of something on SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS, while older folks considered Davy Jones an important part of their lives while growing up.

THE MONKEES were not only a talented fake Beatles-type act on one hand, who were very good performers, but they were great comic actors as well, where their NBC TV show was one part music, one part Marx Brothers.

Rest in peace, Davy Jones.