Monday, February 06, 2012

NBC Has High Hopes For "Super Monday"

NBC is counting on the big debut of two of their best shows to pull up the ratings of the network. THE VOICE, NBC's answer to AMERICAN IDOL debuts tonight, along with the brand new and very highly anticipated new show, SMASH. SMASH is the new musical drama that stars AMERICAN IDOL runner-up Katherine McPhee as a woman vying for a lead role in a new Broadway play about the life of Marilyn Monroe. The show actually has been in development since 2009. where executive producer Steven Spielberg hoped to get it on Showtime. The original plan was for each season to involve a new Broadway musical under production.

SMASH features an amazing cast that includes veteran actresses such as Anjelica Huston, as well Debra Messing, the former star of NBC's big hit comedy, WILL & GRACE. Debra Messing has proven to be star power for NBC once before, and should certainly strike gold the network once again.

If shows like HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL or Glee have been big hits, then SMASH should be as well.

NBC should be very proud of both shows. They are certainly two of the best that they have to offer. Both should draw better ratings for the network, although CBS will certainly walk with the lion's share of Monday ratings with brand new top comedy episodes of TWO AND A HALF MEN and MIKE AND MOLLY .

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