Monday, January 30, 2012

Unbelievable! Honda Chooses Matthew Broderick Who Caused Fatal Automobile Accident To Promote Their Cars!

File this under simply unbelievable, but those geniuses over at Honda have decided to cast actor Matthew Broderick in a FERRIS BUELLER reboot Super Bowl ad to promote their cars! This is simply unbelievable because Broderick was found guilty in an Irish courtroom of causing a fatal accident which killed a mother and a daughter while vacating over in Ireland back in 1987. Broderick spent four weeks in a hospital over in Belfast recovering from his serious injuries which included broken ribs and a collapsed lung as well as head injuries. Actress Jennifer Grey was also badly injured, leaving her with lifetime chronic pain from her back injuries.

But, it was the lives of two Irish women that were the most impacted when Matthew Broderick's rented BMW 316 veered into the wrong lane on an Irish country road, killing Anna Gallagher 30, and her mother Margaret Doherty,63. Earlier, an off duty policeman had chided Broderick, telling him that his route was "just plain stupid" on the Irish roads, and offered to escort him to a more proper path. But, Broderick refused to accept this policeman's help. Later, Broderick might have got confused which side of the road to drive on and drove head on into the two women, killing both, and seriously injuring Jennifer Grey and himself.

Broderick's lawyer claimed that the actor had no recollection of events as part of his defense, in an attempt to avoid more serious charges which could have put him in prison for 5 years. Broderick finally was able to plead to a lesser vehicular offense and pay a fine, avoiding the possible prison sentence for dangerous driving. Broderick has since attempted to reach out to the family of those he killed, however many in this Irish town felt that the verdict was a total miscarriage if justice, only proving how a walthy celebrity can avoid justice by hiring good lawyers.

I suppose O.J. Simpson wasn't available, so Honda went with a second bad choice to promote their cars. But, not too many products would want to associated with some celebrity who killed someone. Apparently, Honda just doesn't care.