Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Hallelujah, Praise The Lord, I Have Heat For Christmas

For those of you following my no heat in this near record cold and snowfall here in Portland, Oregon saga, I managed to walk to a neighborhood hardware store in the 14.5 inches of snow and buy tubing and gas cans and rig up a safe temporary fuel system for the furnace, and can get up to five hours at a time of continuous heat.

I know that this sounds like something that people in Iraq have to rig up. It is commonplace for many storefronts in Iraq to be powered by little gas generators because of only a few hours a day of electrical service, or many other huge shortcomings. But regardless of the hassle of having to refuel the furnace fuel supply after five hours of continuous use. which one might come close to in this bad weather, but it's better than no heat for Christmas in bone jarring cold.

I humorously added the religious reference to this piece because after I installed a new furnace myself and it did not function properly, I called in an expert at $180 dollars an hour who drove in the ice and cold and charged me $180 only to find out that the tank and fuel lines were bad. I knew that this guy had a great reputation for being quite religious. And when the poor fellow was so perplexed with the problem, he prayed for guidance from God. I was so desperate for heat that I actually found myself joining in as well. It seems that in war or in the cold, everyone suddenly has a strong faith in God.

Maybe some kids or even adults want some big things for Christmas. But I don't care. I'm just happy to have heat for Christmas as a new blast of Winter snow is scheduled to hit Portland again tomorrow. Well, at least I'll be a little warmer. And for that I'm very grateful.


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