Tuesday, December 11, 2007

U.S. Gives France It's Blessing For $15 Billion Dollar Nuclear Plant And Aircraft Deal For Libya

Despite the former terrorism record of Liyba, and the continued rule by the eratic and colorful figure, Col. Muammar Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi, the U.S. has given France it's blessing to selling Libya $15 billion worth of civilian aircraft and nuclear reactors. This stands in sharp contrast to the continued tough stand of the Bush White House towards Iran and a nuclear program also claimed by that nation for solely civilian and not military use.

Once again any consistent standards of foreign policy are missing from the Bush Administration. Libya was once directly implicated in specific terrorist incidents such as the bombing of a passenger airliner over Scotland and other incidents, whereas Iran has not been directly implicated in as open of terrorist incidents, although they have certainly helped to both train and arm Hezbollah in Lebanon for rocket attacks into Israel, as well as have paramilitary elements smuggling IEDs into Iraq to attack U.S. troops. Yet, the U.S. only opposes the nuclear ambitions of Iran, while Libya remains questionable under the leadership of Gaddafi.

The fact of the matter is that the nuclear ambitions of any questionable regime, especially one with a clear former terrorist history is still some risk for the world community. France needs to have some really tight safeguards on the entire Libyian nuclear projects and make absolutely sure that no spent nuclear fuel can be used for any nuclear weapons research.


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