Monday, January 08, 2007

Was Saddam Hussein's Corpse Abused?

A new video beginning to circulate on a few MidEast webites is beginning to raise some troubling new questions about the Saddam Hussein execution and whether his corpse was abused after his execution. The new video has not been proved as genuine, but reportedly graphically shows extensive bruises and bloody injuries to the head that are not related to any execution by hanging. It suggests that the body was either beaten, dropped, kicked or otherwise abused after the execution, raising more troubling questions about the involvement of the feared and brutal Mahdi Army militia group involvement of the radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr in the Saddam Hussein execution.

When American forces handed Saddam Hussein over to his Iraqi government executioners, he was in very good condition. Hussein even reportedly thanked his American captors for the kind treatment and not abusing him according to a statement issued from CENTCOM. This kind and polite nature from Saddam Hussein was far from his once fearsom image of one of the world's worst dictators.

During the Reagan Administration years, during the 1980's Iran-Iraq War, the U.S. government illegally used Agriculture Department CCC funds intended only for international disaster relief for Saddam Hussein to free up billions of dollars to buy arms from both Brazil and France. In other cases these "disaster relief" funds intended only for emergency food aid to earthquake or flood stricken nations were directly diverted into the purchase of arms on the world market. The Reagan Administration involved itself in a wide variety of illegal or covert foreign policy behind the backs of both Congress and the American public. Saddam Hussein was one of the most unstable and ruthless world leaders for the Reagan Administration to build up a massive military for. With Saddam's warped sense of power and self, the 1990 invasion of Kuwait was only to be expected after the Reagan Administration worked so hard to make him so powerful in the MidEast as a counterweight to Iran. The U.S. either looked the other way or actually helped Saddam Hussein to acquire WMD weapons such as chemical or biological to kill Iranian troops in great numbers. These same weapons became the basis of Saddam Hussein killing up to 180,000 Kurds or other persons in his country as a ruthless way of maintaining power and putting down rival sectarian factions in his own country. It was a shocking turn of fortunes for Saddam Hussein when his American allies during the 1980's turned on after his 1990 invasion of Kuwait and in 2003 when his government was removed from power. It was also like an American version of the Brezhnev Doctrine, where the U.S. felt that they had the right to invade or control a former ally who was not serving their will to their liking.

After being put on trial for crimes against his own people, Saddam Hussein was found guilty and quickly executed on the first day of a major Muslim Holy day. During the execution a cell phone recording found the executioners taunting Saddam Hussein and chanting , "Muqtada, Muqtada, Muqtada", suggesting that Shiite militia group members of the Mahdi Army of radical cleric Muqtada al-Sadr were directly responsible for the execution of Saddam Hussein. Now if this new video is proven to be real and not faked in some way raises new issues about the Saddam Hussein execution being a form of lynching by this brutal Shiite militia organiztion rather than a legitimate act of state administered justice. The UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon has called on Iraq to imediately stop all further executions, while the Iraqi Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki has threatened to "review" the relationship of Iraq to any world community nation that voices concerns about Iraqi government executions. Such language from the Iraqi government is remarkably similar to the threats that North Korea routinely uses to intimidate the world community. If it appears that the corpse of Saddam Hussein was abused after the execution, then a whole new round of world community outrage could once again result.


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